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         Dandelion // Herbalist// No Mate OR Kits // Female 

An innocent soul, whose heart was shattered like glass when the clan she had loved so dearly turned against her. She could remember that day as clearly as ever. Those simmering gazes alight with a fire that seemed impossible to put out. The begs that had left her lips on that dreadful day. Her blood was poured out across the blonde sand, her lips parched and belly hollow as she gasped for a breath. They didn’t stop. Their claws had pierced her lithe stature, the wound scarred over. A constant reminder of what the cats of her own flesh and blood had done to her without a purpose. The stars were enveloped with a consuming fire that day. The islanders were put to shame at the hurt they had laid across her back. All the resentment she could have let dance on her lips, yet not one bitter word formed at the tip of her tongue. Forgiveness. So abounding. So plentiful as she resumed her rank amongst the islanders. Gentle and soft-hearted, she couldn’t have wished for a better purpose in her life. A survivor of the storm. Nothing would separate her from the islanders. It’s all she ever wanted. (C1)










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